The normal retirement age is 66 if you have ITP 1 and 65 if you have ITP 2. For ITP occupational pension, pension benefits can be received at earliest at 55.
As a general rule you have ITP 1 if you are born 1979 or later and ITP 2 if you are born 1978 or earlier.
To keep in mind
- Less money in your pocket - If you want to retire before the normal retirement age, you will have a lower amount of pension capital at your disposal. This is due to the fact that the pension premiums are terminated in advance and that your pension capital is to be allocated over a longer period of time.
- Good to wait until 62 if you have ITP 2 - If you have ITP 2, it is beneficial to wait until you turn 62. Your pension capital will, in fact, be the same as if you had worked until 65. This is due to the fact that the premiums your employer should have paid in to your occupational pension plan until you were 65, are, instead paid through collective funds. The monthly pension will, however, be lower than if you had waited until 65 as the capital must be allocated over a longer period.
- National public pension benefits from 63 - National retirement pension benefits paid out by the Pensionsmyndigheten, the Swedish Pensions Agency can be received, at earliest, at 63.
What you need to do
- If you wish to retire before the normal retirement age, you have to inform the pension company managing your ITP pension premiums that you wish to start your pension payments.
- You also need to inform Pensionsmyndigheten that you wish to retire.